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What our tutors have to say about online tutoring!


This is what some of our TUTORS had to say about TUTORING ONLINE

and about spreading the WISE Online word!

Paola, Italian Tutor

· My lessons are going well with the help of technology; I'm using Skype, that's perfect for 1:1 lesson.

Wendy, German Tutor

· The online tutoring seems to be going well. We’re using zoom, which is fine, although I need to be a bit more experimental with ‘sharing screens’. For now, I email through all the docs we need for the lesson.

Chloe, English Tutor

· We are missing seeing friends and family - as everyone is - but I love it that teaching is 'sociable' and I get to interact with people all day - despite being confined!

· The zoom sessions are going excellently – One of my students is making good progress with her reading. I actually feel like 4 x 30 mins sessions are better suited to her concentration levels than 2x 1 hour sessions. So that's good.

Neyra, Maths Tutor

· The online tutoring is going well. I was able to convert quite easily through the use of Zoom and Bitpaper. What I do is a screenshare my iPad through Zoom on my laptop and we’re able to quite easily get on. They can see everything I write on my iPad in real time.

I have really enjoyed it and definitely plan on using the tech for my teacher training next year.

Alan, Maths Tutor

· I use FaceTime at the moment. I actually find it easier than I thought I would but I do miss the interaction that only 1:1 ‘real life’ tutoring can deliver. It is more difficult to read body language and gauge how confident a student feels. Also, I’ve found that sometimes the connection speed isn’t always great and we frequently have to repeat ourselves. On a plus side it saves time because there is no travel and saves on printing costs as everything is emailed in advance.

Carlye, Maths Tutor

· The online is going well from my point of view. It's a little different with each student, both in how we connect and how we make sure we are looking at the same material. I am going to try zoom with one of my students next week as it would help if I could see more easily what he is doing. Some students mix up the terms so I don't know for sure what they are putting on paper.

Sandra, Spanish Tutor

· We are working well online. If you have new clients looking for Spanish, I have another tutor who could do it.

Fiona, English Tutor

· Tutoring is going OK…though I am only doing an hour a week over the 2 week Easter break… I am looking forward to more on-line lessons and I am ready for Skyping …..


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